
Sundays for the next few months...

Family vs. Football
Family time is a wonderful thing. Football is not such a wonderful thing. I did not say football was a bad thing. I can handle one game... I just don't appreciate it as much as I appreciate my family. When you put the two together it's just... I don't even know what to say.... Not my favorite. But I will say this... you don't know football 'til you live in Oklahoma. These Oklahomans know how to watch and cheer for football.

On a much happier note, there were 10 salvations at Northview Community Church this weekend! I count myself so blessed to serve at a place that is truly changing people's lives. Pastor Tony did a wonderful job communicating the Gospel this weekend and he leading us on a journey to wholeness! Our Creator desires to bring healing and wholeness to every individual!

Starting my new job has been a difficult/rewarding experience. I love change, but this took some getting used to. Changing from a job where worship experiences was what I planned and then on the weekend I got to see the result... to making crafts all day in the corporate world... two TOTALLY different things. At first I was discouraged and wanted to quit. It wasn't until I spoke with Jaye Clark, a dear friend from church and now work, who opened my eyes to see that I am working for corporation that is giving SO much money to the needy around the world! Although I do crafts all day, for what seems to simply be for a photograph, I am working for a much greater cause... a ministry! I began to realize that I am a part (a very small part) of a great BIG ministry. I can still serve at church and see the direct result of my work paying off once a life is changed.

God's been real big and real in my life lately! There's nothing sweeter than feeling the nudge or pull from the Lord as he directs my life! My eyes are being opened. Lessons are being learned. Growth is definitely happening. Lives are being impacted around me. My mission field is growing tremendously. I am becoming more and more dependent on God. This is happiness.

... to be continued...

1 comment:

Amber Elder said...

Hey Jessica! I love the lay out of your blog!!! I need to figure out how to customize mine!!!!

Also, I think it is awesome that you are making such a difference!! I think when we can sit back and look at God's "big picture" plan, we can truly sense his presence and plan even when things are different and even mundane! You are such an encouragement!!!! Love ya!

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